Who are you?

My name is Robina Bennion of Robina Bennion. I’m an entrepreneur, a wife to Keith, and a mom to Alexander and Nathan. I have a passion for trail running and being creative. I was a CPA for 23 years and learned I was not living my purpose. This led to the creation of Robina Bennion.

What do you do?

I’m a relationship coach for your soul, yourself, and your money. Together, my clients and I create a space to invest in who they truly are, what they cherish most, and how they tend to themselves and the ones they love. If you are questioning whether or not a coach is an investment that is right for you, I encourage you to look at what you are doing in your life today that calls to who you want to be. Are you living in alignment with your purpose, personal goals, and financial goals?

I help people bridge their current reality to their goals, quiet the emotional storm inside, and transform their relationship with money. This starts by identifying their false beliefs and tapping into what truly serves them. My clients learn to infuse those beliefs into all they do, taking them from who they are to who they want to be.

Often, people don’t realize how their beliefs about money play a big role in their success. I help shed light on these beliefs and how they can help or hold you back. I hold a space for people to invest in themselves, and if you think coaching could be a fit for you, I would love the opportunity to talk with you!

What is your Why?

I believe every person has a moment when their soul will no longer be denied. That moment either stalls you out or calls you to action. I believe this because I lived that moment.

When that moment came for me, it caused a momentary pause. I was so focused on my career, with no consideration for my soul’s purpose; I didn’t realize I was blowing past these moments and only checking the boxes I was “supposed” to be checking. I was moving up the corporate ladder with more responsibility and doing what everyone said I should. Promotions led me to believe this was the right path because those were boxes to be checked.

As I reflect back, something never felt quite right. I worked with great people and was progressing in my career, but I would change firms because I knew it wasn’t ultimately where I was meant to be. I don’t regret a moment of my career because it was an important part of my journey. I also realize now that I was lost in the process; there was no connection between what I was doing and who I am inside.

I had these gifts, and I wasn’t able to tie them to the profession I was in. As I began to identify with these gifts, I didn’t know who I was when I wasn’t using them. I got very sick and was unable to work, leaving me no choice but to stop. My moment arrived. It was extremely difficult at first, but I was grateful for the forced opportunity to slow down, and live more connected to my body and my children, and to really focus on what future I wanted.

As I leaned into the awareness that I was being called in a different direction, I knew I wasn’t going to be a CPA anymore. Unable to fully understand the call, I was scared, but because I had reconnected with my soul, I had the fortitude to follow. It was no longer about the tasks I wanted to accomplish, it was about being someone who changes lives by transforming people’s relationships with money and reuniting them with who they are deep inside.

What is the most valuable aspect of your Ellivate Alliance Membership?

I just love the connection so much! And it’s such an amazing resource! I take something away from every interaction I have in Ellivate. My business would not be where it is without the Alliance, no question about it.

The connections I’ve created through Ellivate have been so valuable as a small business owner. It has absolutely given me more confidence in my business and my brand and elevated my business to the next level!