Happy New Year! And Happy Super New Moon!

While you’ve probably heard plenty of warm wishes for your new year by now, I might be the first to wish you a happy Super New Moon.

This new year (January 2) starts off with a “super” new moon, which is when the moon comes closest to the Earth. It’s a time when we can tune into the energy of the moon to help us grow and gear up for what’s ahead.

What a poetic and powerful way to start a new calendar year!

As you rest, recover and gather energy, I’ll ask you a daring question to support your new year:

What do you want most this year?

Before you begin to answer that, simply observe. How did the question make you feel? Daring? Intimidated? Excited?

One thing I want most this year is to begin this new year with strong, positive energy around the changes we’ve made here at the Alliance. It’s a very dynamic time for us, and I have personally been thrilled to see so many of the bold women entrepreneurs in our community expressing enthusiasm for this next era of Ellivate!

We are a community of brave women entrepreneurs who are channeling our feminine wisdom to run our businesses, create social change and find joy in who we are and what we do.

Through the Ellivate Alliance, we create community, provide accessible learning, and support one another in integrating more conscious business practices. We ground ourselves through connection to self and each other. We are expanding in consciousness and fulfillment to enjoy the process of growing impactful businesses. Along the way, we’re creating lifelong friendships.

Since it’s a new year, and the Ellivate Alliance is working in a new way (and you’ve expressed interest in the Alliance in the past), I want to officially invite you to join the Alliance or support our mission in a new way in 2022!  

We’ve made changes to our offerings. Here’s a quick summary:

  • The Ellivate Immersion program is no longer required for anyone interested in joining us, making Ellivate more accessible for all. Now, prospective members can join us any time of year by attending one of our monthly new member information sessions – the first of which is Tuesday, February 8!
  • You can receive the deepest level of support and engagement with us via two new paths: the Evolving Path for established businesses in refinement and growth mode and the Emerging Path for new businesses just getting started. Both of these paths include facilitated collaborative circles of support, richer content, and opportunities to learn directly from one another and our advisory board.
  • A third path, the Educating Path, provides you with access to our powerful community and our content vault. This is available to all women business owners, regardless of your stage of business.
  • Starting a new business and worried about the investment? We’re now offering scholarships for women on the Emerging Path.

Interested in learning more?

If you are a woman business owner who is curious to learn more about us, please join us on February 8 to meet other amazing women business owners and learn more about what it means to join the Ellivate Alliance! Register to join us here.

Other ways to support Ellivate

If you are not a woman business owner or simply not interested in joining us at this time, we invite you to become an active supporter of our mission in one of two ways:

  1. Make a contribution to our scholarship program. This makes the growth of another female entrepreneur possible! Your contribution will be distributed directly to scholarships. Administration costs are always separate. Register your interest in donating here.
  2. Become a sponsor. If you’re looking for ways to promote your business that also supports women entrepreneurs growing their own businesses, please consider becoming a sponsor. Our sponsors have the opportunity to connect directly with the women of our alliance and share what they do. Register your interest in sponsoring us here.

A challenge for 2022


It is believed that new moons are a time for taking care of your mind, body and spirit and honoring your need for rest and recovery.

Most calendar years afford us 12 new moons. But, in 2022, we will have the gift of one extra new moon. Why not plan 13 special events to take care of you, so you can rest, recover and treat yourself with the honor and care you deserve this year? Not only will this support you, it will create the space you need to expand your business in a meaningful way in 2022.

With deep love and gratitude,

Sarah signature


Join us for our new member information session!

If you want to learn more, please join us on February 8 for our first monthly new member information session. You’ll get to connect with some other amazing women entrepreneurs and learn more about what it means to be part of the Ellivate Alliance! (Click here to register)