The core Ellivate principle we’re focusing on for this final quarter of 2023 is Prosperity:


Prosperity flows from the inside out when the previous three principles (Self, Connection, and Harmonious Systems) align. Gain clarity on your financial goals and identify where you can invest your resources more wisely to create more value and abundance for all.

I’ll share a few ideas that have been floating around for me when it comes to prosperity, in hopes they inspire you to craft your own meaning of prosperity.

It’s common for many of us to think of prosperity as a state of wealth, abundance, and financial success, but prosperity reaches much farther than just the financial realm – it includes your personal and social well-being. Prosperity is a state of well-being and flourishing that could encompass:

  1. Financial Security – You have sufficient financial resources to support your needs and desires, and the ability to save and invest for your future.
  2. Quality of Life – You have access to education, resources, healthcare, a safe, clean environment, and so many other factors that contribute to your health and well-being.
  3. Fulfillment and Joy – You feel tapped in and tuned into yourself, reaching higher levels of fulfillment and joy in your day-to-day life. Your needs and desires are met with ease.
  4. Sense of Community – You have safe spaces to show up fully and authentically as yourself. You feel truly connected to the people around you. Your relationships thrive.
  5. Impact – You continue to grow and develop, achieving your personal goals. You expand your positive impact on the world around you.

The beautiful thing about prosperity is that you get to define what it means for you.

Here are three questions to ponder this month to help you explore what prosperity means for you:

  1. What does a prosperous business look and feel like for you? What about a prosperous life?
  2. In what specific ways would you like to create more wealth and abundance in your business? In your life?
  3. What is one small thing you can do today to act “as if” you already have the prosperity you desire

No matter where we’re at today, each one of us has access to prosperity. How can you lean into a prosperous state of mind to attract more of what you truly want?

With deep love and gratitude,

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