March is one of my favorite months of the year because we get to celebrate Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day on March 8, Ellivate’s 6th birthday on March 16, and the beginning of Spring on March 20!

As we celebrate the courageous women who have come before us and welcome in the creative energy and new life of Spring, March is the perfect month to honor the power of the Feminine!

The Feminine is not a gender. It’s an energy that is available to every person. When each of us embraces and embodies feminine energy, we become more whole human beings.

Some aspects of feminine energy include:

  • Moving with the flow of life
  • Creativity and expression, such as writing, dance, painting and dreaming
  • Spontaneity and playing
  • Tuning into our inner knowing
  • Feeling and expressing our full range of emotions
  • Transformation (which can feel wild and unruly at times!)
  • Collaboration and community

At Ellivate Alliance, we channel our feminine wisdom to run our businesses, create social change and find joy in who we are and what we do. Together.

This month, let’s explore three ways we can channel more of our feminine wisdom to elevate our businesses, ourselves, and one another.

  1. Step back from the busyness of your business to slow down and reflect on a regular basis. Tune into your intuition, and ask yourself:
    1. What do I really want for my business and myself?
    2. How well is my business supporting me?
    3. What’s working well in my business right now? What could I do more of?
    4. What’s not working so well? What could I do less of?
    5. How do I want to transform my business and myself?
  2. Find simple ways to infuse the spirit of play into your workday. Schedule energy breaks into your day to step away from work and reconnect with yourself. Listen to music, dance, play, dream, laugh!
  3. Tap into the power of collaboration to support yourself and your business. There is a community of brave, heart-led women here at Ellivate to support you. (Curious about what it means to join us? Register for our next Curiosity Session on March 9!) Choose to show up for yourself and others. Ask for what you need. Offer support where you can. Remember, together, we all rise.

As we celebrate our sixth birthday at Ellivate, I continue to be awed by the power of this beautiful community we are creating together. Ellivate has far surpassed what I imagined we could be six short years ago…because of our incredible women and the people who support us. Thank you for being an ally to Ellivate and believing in our mission and vision. Happy birthday to us!

With deep love and gratitude,

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