Congratulations – we made it through the first month of 2022!

I usually enjoy the fresh start and vibrant energy of a new year. But…I’ll be honest. I didn’t feel as much positive energy as usual last month. I’m just feeling a bit worn out and lower on energy these days. Covid made the holidays more stressful than restorative for many. Plus, it’s been another year of navigating accelerated change and disruption…another year of enhanced awareness of the broken systems in which we live and work…another year of deepening concern about our collective future. No wonder why I’m feeling overwhelmed and exhausted at times.

The past two years have been hard. Yet, they have also given us the opportunity, individually and collectively, to reevaluate what we’re doing and why. We don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done. This is not just a time to pivot or refine what we’re doing. It’s a time to reimagine something entirely new. Can that feel daunting at times? Yes. But does it also feel exciting? YES!

So, I feel hopeful! Because I know that the messiness and fatigue I’m feeling at time are hallmarks of transformation. These are not indicators that it’s time to quit. They are reminders that it’s time to double down on what matters most.

But, how can we do this when we’re feeling tired or overwhelmed?

  • We must take care of ourselves. We must rest when needed to restore our energy to keep moving forward.
  • We must reconnect with the vision of what we truly want (for ourselves and the world around us) every single day. We must remember why it matters.
  • We must stay in community with one another. We can only bring about change when we work together. No one can do this alone.

At Ellivate, this is why we’re doubling down on our mission to elevate and uplift women entrepreneurs and co-create a collective future. As business owners, we are leaders. We have a unique opportunity to play a meaningful role in creating a more just world. When we intentionally connect with and support one another, we cultivate more conscious, evolved business models. We disrupt outdated business models and forge new ways that elevate purpose over profit, bring more heart and soul to business, and create ripples of social change.

We’ve supported our members in creating social change through our Ellivate Aware series the past two years. Leandra Blei and I are excited to continue this series to explore how we can integrate what we’re learning about social justice into our businesses and lives and support one another in making meaningful change. We’re also excited to introduce a new Ellivate Aware feature in our monthly newsletters where we’ll share ideas, resources and recommendations. Please be sure to check out our first installment below!

If you’re feeling some fatigue these days, it’s okay. Let’s lean on each other. Let’s uplift and remind one another that we are not alone. Let’s remember that we do this together, one step at a time. This is what Ellivate is all about.

With deep love and gratitude,

Sarah signature


Seeking authentic community?
Join us February 8 for our first Ellivate Alliance Curiosity Session!

If you’re a woman business owner who wants to create meaningful change and seeking an authentic community to support you, please join us for our first Ellivate Alliance Curiosity session on February 8.

You’ll get to connect with other women business owners and learn more about what it means to join the Ellivate Alliance.

As women leaders, we have a unique opportunity to play a meaningful role in creating a more just world.

Each month, we’ll explore how we can integrate more conscious business practices into our businesses and lives.

Be aware of this:

Have you ever been in a situation where someone said or did something that felt wrong, yet you didn’t say anything about it?

Was it because you didn’t want to ruffle any feathers? Or perhaps you just didn’t know what to say or how to say it? Or perhaps it just felt too awkward or uncomfortable to say something, and it was easier to just let it go?

Too often, our fear of discomfort gets in the way of speaking out. This is not only a form of complicity, but a missed opportunity to share an idea that may strike a meaningful change.

Being a woman is powerful. Being a woman business owner puts you in a unique position as a leader.

Others notice when you speak up and will remember when you don’t.

By moving past your discomfort and speaking out, you are disrupting the status quo. You speak into action the message of what is okay and what is not okay from that moment forward. You create a ripple of change.

Watch this:

Luvvie Ajayi Jones’ TED Talk, Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable.

Try this:

Use your power for good. Stand up and be the domino.

Next time someone says or does something hurtful and discriminatory, choose truth and justice over discomfort and fear.